Have you ever spent hours in front of your computer trying to accomplish a
"tech" task? Do you scream, cry, pull your hair, and request prayer from friends and family?
Have you emailed random bloggers for help?
If this sounds familiar then I am glad....
cause' then it is not just me! After
I found a site that does all the work for you.....
except coming to your house to copy and paste.
If you know how to type code and link with no problem then you may want to check out one of my other posts,
BUT if you are tech challenged like me then this is the post for you!
Check out these picture links....each one takes you to that post...AWESOME!
How did I do this?
With the aforementioned Miracle....A link generator!
All you do is copy and paste the site URL, and the image URL....That's it! You click the submit button, and POOF...you get the code. Are you excited, skeptical, doin' a little dance like me? Here is the moment you've been waiting for....
To Generate your own PERFECT code go to My Space Gens
Go ahead and try it and tell me what you think. I was so excited I had to tell the blog world first....but you need to browse cause' there are some more miracles to be found....did you find any? Do you know of any other "tricks" ....come on, Share!
Thanks for sharing that. We can all use tips now and then when it comes to this crazy chaos also known as blogging!
I didn't know about link generator, its really useful. Thanks for sharing and following on Linky. I'm following you too.
found your blog from the bloghop and am now your newest follower. Love the bench in your blog header made from 2 chairs, hope you have the before and afters somewhere in your blog cuz I'm gonna search for it! I've seen it done many times before, but yours are so cute.
Lori-Thanks for following me so I could learn about you! Can't wait to explore your blog. Boy, you have been busy! I'm sure I am going to learn a TON of good stuff. Glad we are friends!
Thanks for sharing this. I sometimes spend way too much time attempting something like this and just give up! I'm gonna bookmark this one for sure.
Forgot to mention that I'm a new follower, too.
This is such a neat idea. I could really use this on my popular posts page!!! Thank-you, thank-you THANK YOU!!! :D
PS I am bookmarking this page!
hi lori! it's samantha swinging by your beautiful blog - it's so pretty here! am following you now! :-)
Thanks for the follow Lori! Great blog, and great tip here for code generation.
Oh... that is a great tip! Thanks so much for sharing. So glad you stopped by and introduced yourself from the hop. Following you back!
I am doing the happy dance right with you. I have come to the realization that when I thought I was really "savy" with this stuff, I was not. So when you stopped by & I clicked on your blog I was so delighted to read this! I am still trying to figure out how to get a blog button! The joys...I bet my 4 year old could do it for me!
Anyhoo, I am so excited I found you & look forward to all the awesome stuff I can find here!
I'm new to all of this and so far my blog is quite basic, so thanks so much for the tip!
Hi Lori! I finally made it around to visiting your blog back and following along! Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier and requesting me to follow! =)
Alesha <3
You have no idea how much time you just saved me with my roundup posts...thanks for the tip!
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