Duct tape is awesome! When I was helping Amelia with her homework I noticed that her school Bible was falling apart...literally. Of course I asked what happened to it, but I got a typical 11 year old response..."I dunno". I could buy a new one from the school, but that would be $25 bucks I don't want to spend this close to the end of the school year. Here is where we started...
Front and Back covers off...how do kids manage this kind of destruction? |
Now before I go on I have to give a short disclaimer ....I love God, I love His Word, and I respect the Bible...However, I am one of those people that highlight their bible, use colored pens to write in the margins, and have even turned down pages, (to my Grandma's chagrin). I accept the Bible as the Holy, Living word of God, but according to Grandma, and others I've known, these practices are not respectful. Well obviously I disagree, but if any of you readers feel like Grandma, then you may be disturbed by the rest of this post....I sincerely mean NO disrespect. Disclaimer Done!!!
Amelia obviously is a "highlighter" too |
Help is on the way... |
Since the covers were off, I couldn't just cover it, so I figured duct tape was a perfect solution...But first I had to make a place on the diningroom craft table...
A little bit of everything...and more |
I had no idea what I was doing, so I just started cutting strips of Amelia's favorite color tape, (turquoise), and covering the edges of the covers...
One edge covered |
I continued to cover edges, then joined the covers to the bible with one long strip...over and over. Then I added another color tape to give a colorful edge. Amelia was at piano lessons, so I get to surprise her...
I'm likin' it.. |
For a little flare, I added her initials, and a pocket inside the back cover, for notes...school notes, I hope.
So Cute! |
Great little pocket to hide stuff |
Done and done! |
This little makeover only took about an hour, and Amelia love, loved it...me too, especially cause' it saved me $25 bucks. So what are you gonna cover with duct tape?
Great idea! Bibles are supposed to be used, that's a good thing. But it's sad at the same time to lose those highlighted words when the book gets so worn it has to be replaced. Don't you just love it when your daughter likes something you did instead of that "ugh" face!? LOL
I think Bibles should be beat up, you know used and loved. I do see Grandma's point as well. Anyway, I love the way you fixed up your dd's school Bible. Looks so fun.
Scriptures are to be written in. They are your personal book of Gods words for you. The personal revelation you receive when you study them should be written down and highlighted. Our church actually promotes it. I love personalizing things. Great idea to personalize and protect her book.
The bible cover look awesome. We actually use coloured duct tape to fix textbooks at school quite regularly.
Hi Lori, What a cute and easy way to fix it! I love the color you used!
Thanks for stopping by at my blog. I'm following.
I agree. Scriptures need to be loved, cherished, and read. How are you supposed to remember what touched you if you don't mark it? I'm a marker, too...
...and I loved your idea! :)
(Newest follower! Yay!!)
Great Idea!!
what a clever fix! Like the color. Glad you stopped by for a visit, I'm your newest follower also, will be back!
I think that is a good idea to make a Bible last. My dad is a pastor and his Bibles are all worn out. Thanks for following me I'm happy to follow you too.
Smart idea to fix with duct tape. It now comes in so many colors and designs that it has become quite fashionable.
My Bible looks like the same way. I have been using it since high scool. I love the highlighted and old way it has, it is my personal book.
I am following your blog :)
Hey Lori, Good job fixing up that Bible! Duct tape is awesome. And if you want to highlight and take notes in your Bible, I say go for it. Like Kerry said, Bibles are supposed to be used. God wants us to know what's in there and if highlighting things helps you remember, then yay! :)
What a fab book repair!!! Love duct tape!!!!
Your dining room is your all purpose craft table too lol? Mine right now is covered in lego...oh well!!!
New follower!! I LOVE duct tape. ANDDD I also write/highlight in my Bible. I still have my middle school/high school Bible and I occasionally go back and read through all my notes. There is not one page that isn't written on to some extent!! Glad to see I'm not alone in doing this!!
A used worn Bible is a good thing.. and I LOVE LOVE the duct tape... duct tape is my friend..
So cute....
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